What We Believe

At Park City Community Church our mission is “To offer God’s unconditional love to transform hope into action and isolation into authentic connection.”

Our hearts and minds and doors are always open.

We believe...

We believe...

  • all people are children of God

  • God is for us, not against us

  • in Jesus Christ, whose example of radical love we seek to follow

  • in the Bible as the foundation for understanding God’s love and grace

  • in forgiveness

  • in the power of prayer

  • in feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, mending the broken, and caring for our environment

  • our minds are great gifts from God. We are intellectually honest and curious in our faith discovery

  • every life is a mix of joy and sorrow and we need each other to celebrate and support those times

  • faith is a journey and we are accepted wherever we are